ADHD vs ADD vs Neurodiversity

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Daria Moore


They're actually the same thing

You've probably heard of both ADHD and ADD, but guess what? They're the same thing! ADD, or Attention Deficit Disorder, used to be a separate term, but now it's considered a type of ADHD. The difference? People used to say ADD when someone had trouble paying attention but wasn't super hyperactive. But today, it's all lumped together under ADHD, with different types, including the one without the bouncing-off-the-walls energy. So, no more ADD — it's just ADHD now.


The busy brain with many thoughts

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It's like having a brain that's running a marathon, but it's also trying to juggle, watch TV, and eat a snack at the same time. People with ADHD often have trouble focusing because their brains are full of ideas and energy. They can be hyperactive, impulsive, or have trouble sitting still. But this busy brain can also come with great creativity and lots of enthusiasm — it's never boring.


Different brains, still all amazing

Neurodiversity is the idea that brains come in all kinds of different types, and that's a good thing. ADHD, autism, dyslexia, Tourette syndrome, and other ways of thinking are part of what makes us human. Instead of seeing these differences as problems, neurodiversity says, "These brains just work differently, and that's totally fine!" It's like a garden — if every flower were the same, it would be boring. Our different brains make the world more interesting.

Understanding ADHD and Neurodiversity matters

Recognizing that ADHD is just one way a brain can work helps us appreciate that not everyone thinks the same way. Instead of seeing ADHD as a problem, neurodiversity teaches us to value the strengths it brings — like creativity, quick thinking, and out-of-the-box ideas. It also reminds us to be patient with people who think differently. After all, it's these different ways of thinking that make the world more interesting.

Celebrate your unique brain

No matter how your brain works — whether it's fast and energetic like ADHD or more focused on details — it's special. Embrace your unique way of thinking, because the world needs all kinds of minds to make it brighter. Whether you're thinking fast or slow, in straight lines or zigzags, your brain has something amazing to offer.

Be proud of how you think — it's what makes you, you!

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